Written by Craig B

How Much Does Tile Installation Cost in Phoenix, AZ 2021?

How Much Does Tile Installation Cost in Phoenix, AZ 2021?

The average tile installation Phoenix cost is $10,042. Tile installation costs in Phoenix ranged from $8,099.00 to $11,985.00 for Arizona in 2021. These cost estimates include material and labor cost to install according to Manta.

  • Low Cost: $8,099.00
  • Average Cost of Tile Installation: $10,042
  • High Cost: $11,985.00

Knowing the estimated costs of tile installation in Phoenix is highly recommended before starting any tile flooring installation project. Here we include tile installation cost factors which can impact the final cost, such as material costs, tile installation labor costs, local permitting costs, and more.

This Tile Installation Phoenix Cost Quote Includes:

  1. Material Cost: $6.00 to $9.00 per sq ft according to Manta.
  2. Labor Cost: To install tile flooring in Phoenix, Arizona.
  3. Average costs for materials and equipment for tile installation in Phoenix.
  4. All Project Costs: Surface preparation, components, machinery, and cleanup fees.

This Tile Flooring Installation Quote In Phoenix Does Not Include:

  1. Any permits that might be required for tile flooring installation projects.
  2. Phoenix Inspection and/or building fees.
  3. Maricopa County and Arizona sales taxes.
  4. Phoenix sales taxes.
  5. General contractor costs, if used for the project. Such costs generally add another $1,205.04-$1,506.30 to the total.

Tile Installation Labor Cost

On average, tile installation labor costs about $18 per square foot; with costs ranging from $4 to $32 per square foot in 2019 according to HomeAdvisor.

Tile Installation Cost Calculator

Porch.com has a nice tile installation cost calculator that can help you figure out how much the price of your Phoenix tile installation project will cost.

Here is the estimated cost of a tile installation job in Phoenix. The following tile installation cost estimate is based on a 320 square foot tile floor in Phoenix, AZ 85032. This tile installation Phoenix cost estimate is about $4,699 and includes:

  • Tile Installation Material Cost: $568 average
  • Tile Flooring Installation Basic Labor Cost (38 hours): $3726.50 average
  • Tile Flooring Installation Job Supplies: $335.50 average
  • Tile Flooring Installation Equipment Allowance: $69 average
  • Optional: Remove old tile (39 hours): $2777.50 average
  • Option: Tile Flooring Debris Disposal: $259

According to Porch.com’s tile installation cost calculator, “For your project in zip code 85032 with these options, the tile installation cost starts at $12.34-$18.99 per square foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Tile Installation Cost in Arizona

Tile Installation In Phoenix, AZ – Professional & Affordable

Our Phoenix tile flooring contractors and installers offer Tile Flooring Repair, Restoration, Tile Installation, and Stone Flooring Installation in the Phoenix Metro area and surrounding cities. Our tile installation service area includes Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Gilbert, and more. Receive a free tile installation quote in Phoenix by giving Urban Customs a call today at 480-747-2516.